Senin, 30 Mei 2016


             Well, my opinion about the past is dark past in one's life , no matter his guilt for what , often come back to haunt , often make less confident , often make heavy legs moving, often makes life much more fail than before when attempts were made ​​to get out of the past always collided and as if giving a stalemate.
           Yes i can get my past back, write it down. Writing is one way to shed the feeling , so sometimes we can guess the mood of a person of status who wrote the profile on facebook, twitter or other social media . Journals are also relatively more secure , because only we know . At the time of writing , pour all it is, do not need to be composed and assembled with beautiful sentences .

          The best thing of the future I had to work hard and not to be lazy. To start a better life , there is no other way but to leave the past and no longer carry it into the future. 

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